Client Configuration

To successfully integrate your agent (or agents we provide) into your IoA server, you must configure the client settings to ensure proper registration within the IoA ecosystem. This involves setting up server details, defining agent specifications, and adjusting communication settings, as detailed below:

  • Create a folder named your_case_name under the configs/client_configs/cases directory for your cases. For example: configs/client_configs/cases/example

  • Create a file named agent_name.yaml to serve as the configuration file for the agent, depending on the number of agents required, create the corresponding number of YAML files. For example: configs/client_configs/cases/example/bob.yaml

The following are configuration examples for parameters. The configuration file is divided into three sections: server , tool agent, communication service client.


The server section is responsible for setting up the basic server configurations

   port: SERVER_PORT    # e.g. default 7788
   hostname: SERVER_IP  # e.g. default ioa-server

Tool Agent

The tool agent section defines the configuration for the tool agent itself and represents various agents integrated into the IoA platform, such as ReAct, OpenInterpreter, and others. The inclusion of a tool_agent is optional and depends on the specific agents required for the given use case.

   agent_type: ReAct
   agent_name: tool agent name
   desc: |-
      A description of the tool agent's capabilities.
   tool_config: configuration file of tools  # e.g tools_code_executor.yaml
   image_name: react-agent
   container_name: docker container name
   port: The port number on which the agent's Docker container will be exposed.
   model: The model used by the agent  # e.g. gpt-4-1106-preview
   max_num_steps: The maximum number of steps the agent can take in its process.

Communication Service Client

The communication service client section used for communicating and interacting with other clients and also for assigning tasks to the tool_agent.

   name: The name of the client.
   desc: A description of the communication agent's capabilities.
   type: The type of the communication agent.  # Thing Assistant or Human Assistant
   support_nested teams: Indicates whether the agent supports nested teams.  # true or false
   max_team_up_attempts: The maximum number of attempts to team up with other agents.
      llm_type: Defines the type of large language model  # e.g. openai-chat
      model: Specifies the model for the large language model, indicating the version and type of AI model used  # e.g., gpt-4-1106-preview
      temperature: Controls the randomness of the language model's responses  # default value is 0.1