Collaborative Paper Writing

Let’s try out an interesting and simple example of IoA at work: drafting the introduction of the research paper of IoA.

✍️ Paper Writing with IoA

Picture this: Four AI assistants sitting around a virtual table, brainstorming and crafting the perfect introduction for a paper about IoA itself. Here’s our dream team:

  1. Weize Chen’s Assistant

  2. Chen Qian’s Assistant

  3. Cheng Yang’s Assistant

  4. ArxivAssistant (our research guru)

ArxivAssistant is the bookworm of the group. Built on a ReAct agent framework, it’s an expert at digging up relevant papers from Arxiv to support our writing.

⚙️ Try it out

Ready to see these agents in action? Follow these simple steps:

  1. Launch the Milvus service:

First, we need to launch the Milvus service. It’s like the librarian of our AI team, helping to organize and retrieve information quickly.

docker-compose -f dockerfiles/compose/milvus.yaml up

2. Create the ReAct Agent image:

docker pull weize/react-agent:latest
docker tag weize/react-agent:latest react-agent:latest

  # or
  # docker build -f dockerfiles/tool_agents/react.Dockerfile -t react-agent:latest .

3. Set up your credentials:

Add your OpenAI API key and other environment variables to dockerfiles/compose/.env.


If you’ve already set these as system environment variables, you can skip this step!

4. Launch the IoA writing squad:

docker-compose -f dockerfiles/compose/paper_writing.yml up --build

5. Kickstart the writing process:

In a new command line window, run:

python scripts/

And there you have it! You’ve just initiated an AI-powered writing collaboration.